Author's Requests
A lot of thought went into making the code for WebCLIPS generally available. I have a couple of (small) requests for those who plan to use WebCLIPS under UNIX. I would like to remain in control of the distribution of other versions of WebCLIPS under UNIX. With this is mind :- Please let me know your using WebCLIPS. A brief email telling me which OS and what you plan to use it for is all I ask.
- Please report any bugs to me and make the source for these fixes available. This way all can benefit.
- Please let me know of any ports to other versions of UNIX. Especially if they require any coding changes to get them to work. I would like to make these other versions available to all. Credit will be given to those individuals who port the code.
- Please make any enhancements available to me. If they make sense I would like to integrate into the general version.
Last modified : 31-Jul-2003
Michael Giordano