What is WebCLIPS?
WebCLIPS is an implementation of
CLIPS as a CGI application. WebCLIPS is available
If you are using WebCLIPS please let me know!
WebCLIPS Info Center:
- What's new and Future enhancements for WebCLIPS
- Download WebCLIPS 2.0.3 (now supporting FuzzyCLIPS) and BSave Utility
- Download Source for WebCLIPS under UNIX version 2.0.3
- A summary of WebCLIPS features
- A manual on how to develop WebCLIPS screens
- Notes on FuzzyCLIPS extensions to WebCLIPS
- A listing of WebCLIPS functions and how to write your own user-defined functions using the CLIPS DLL
- An Integrated Development Environment (IDECLIPS) for debugging WebCLIPS programs.
- Information on how to setup the WebCLIPS BSave Utility
- Differences between the NT and UNIX versions of WebCLIPS
Last modified : 28-Jul-2003
Michael Giordano