There are some things I would like to highlight to WebCLIPS developers :
  1. fzclips.dll must be downloaded and put in an appropriate directory.
  2. fzclips.dll supports CLIPS version 6.04 whereas clips.dll supports CLIPS version 6.10
  3. Because facts are formatted differently with FuzzyCLIPS (i.e. Confidence Factors), any screens that use facts preserved from a FuzzyCLIPS screen must also be FuzzyCLIPS screen.
  4. In WebCLIPS.ini fuzzy facts may be asserted just like crisp facts using the FuzzyFactn notation. For example :
    FuzzyFact1=(speed_change (0.0 1.0) (0.1 0.1) (0.1333 0.06667) (0.1495 0.0991) ) CF 0.63
  5. For facts that are 'split-up' (i.e. textboxes etc.) the Confidence Factor must be typed into the factvalue portion of the NAME/VALUE pair. I am working on an enhancement where the CF can be specified in a separate HTML Form field in terms of a percentage.
  6. Any facts asserted as part of an ODBCQuery are assumed crisp. I am working on an enhancement that would allow a developer to specify a column that would contain the Confidence Factor.

Last modified : 30-Jul-2003
Michael Giordano