How to Use WebCLIPS
- Table of Contents -
- Overview
- Starting a WebCLIPS screen from HTML
- WebCLIPS.ini
- Static vs Dynamic Mode
- Multi-Screen Navigation
- Static Screen User Interaction and passing data from HTML to CLIPS
- Using HTML Helper functions to generate screens in a CLIPS program
- How facts are passed
- Debugging CLIPS programs and re-routing output from CLIPS programs
- Administration issues
- Reserved fact and deftemplate names
- References
WebCLIPS is an implementation of CLIPS [1] run as a CGI application under Windows NT/95 [2] . WebCLIPS utilizes the CLIPS Dynamic Link Library [3] to automate a typical run of a CLIPS program (i.e. load, reset and run). The WebCLIPS scripts are standard to the CLIPS specification. The only 'unusual' element is that the results generated from WebCLIPS screens have some embedded HTML [4] tags to properly display the output.
The basic building block of WebCLIPS is the screen. The screen-name dictates how CLIPS should run a particular program (i.e. which rules to use, which facts to use etc.). WebCLIPS makes use of a Win32 API called GetPrivateProfileString. The screen-name is the name of the section for the INI file and the parameters passed to the CLIPS program (facts, rules etc.) are entries for that screen-name (section). For example, the Monkey and Bananas Demo could look like this :
[Monkey and Bananas Demo] script1=c:\clips\examples\mab.clp InitialScreen=c:\htmldocs\mab.htm PreserveFacts=YesIn the above example the name of the screen is Monkey and Bananas Demo, it uses one script, it displays an HTML document and uses it to interact with the user and the fact-state is carried forward to other screens. In this way WebCLIPS supports multi-screen input. Facts can be gathered and passed to subsequent screens for further processing.
Starting a WebCLIPS screen from HTML
Since WebCLIPS is a standard CGI application, it needs no special treatment save for passing the screen-name to run. This can be done in any fashion where the data from the web server comes in the following format : fact&Screen+to+be+run. Here are two HTML examples to help you get started :
<FORM ACTION=/cgi-bin/WebCLIPS.EXE METHOD=POST> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fact" VALUE="(ScreenName (ScrnName Monkey and Bananas Demo))"> <center> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Get Those Bananas!"> </center> </FORM>
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/WebCLIPS.EXE" METHOD="GET"> <SELECT NAME="fact"> <OPTION VALUE="(ScreenName (ScrnName Baseball Demo))">BaseBall Demo (who's on first?) <OPTION VALUE="(ScreenName (ScrnName Monkey and Bananas Demo))">Classic Monkey and Bananas Demo </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM>
is a configuration file used by WebCLIPS to determine how to run a particular screen (i.e. CLIPS program). There are several parameters that you can pass to a screen :
- script - This entry is the name of a text file passed to a CLIPS program using the load command. You can pass multiple scripts to a screen. The format of this entry is :
where X is a seq. number. The first script is 1, the second is 2 etc.For example,
- fact - This entry asserts a fact to a CLIPS program. It is limited to a single line. You can pass multiple facts to a screen. The format of this entry is :
FactX=(<RHS pattern>+)
where X is a seq. number. The first fact is 1, the second is 2 etc.For example,
fact1=(Print-Phase (phase Header))
- factgroup - This entry is the name of a text file containing facts that are passed to a CLIPS program using the load-facts command. You can pass multiple factgroups to a screen. The format of this entry is :
where X is a seq. number. The first factgroup is 1, the second is 2 etc.For example,
- ODBCQuery - This entry asserts facts to a CLIPS program using the CLIPS/ODBC Interface [5]. It is limited to a single line. You can issue multiple ODBC queries to a screen. The format of this entry is :
ODBCQueryX=(ODBCQuery (query|file SQL_Query|filename) (connect ODBC_Connect_Info) (deftemplatename deftemplate) (ImplodeData Y | N))
where X is a seq. number. The first ODBC query is 1, the second is 2 etc.For example,
ODBCQuery1=(ODBCQuery (query select * from MALE) (deftemplatename male) (connect DSN=CLIPSODBC;) (implodedata Y))
The purpose of the implodedata slot is to tell the interface how to assert the fact. If implodedata is set to Y, then all data fetched from the query will be wrapped in double quotes ("") and asserted as single-slot type.
- BinImage - This entry is the name of a binary image file passed to a CLIPS program using the bload command. This binary image file must be created using bsave utility. [6] The normal rules for bload apply (i.e. clear is automatically invoked before the file is bloaded). Due to the nature of bload you can only have one binary image file per screen. The format of this entry is :
For example,
- PreserveFacts - This entry tells a screen whether or not to pass it's facts on for further processing. The format for this entry is :
PreserveFacts=Cookie | Disk | Yes | No
For example,
- SaveFactsFor - This entry works with 2 other entries :
It contains the screen that the facts will be preserved for. This allows for saving facts between WebCLIPS sessions. Note : the screen can (and usually is) different than the current screen. The format for this entry is :
SaveFactsFor=Screen name
For example,
SaveFactsFor=Battleship Screen
- CookieExpiration - This entry works with 2 other entries :
- PreserveFacts=cookie
It determines how long to save a particular set of facts. There are two valid formats for this entry :
- To specify an absolute date use the following format :
CookieExpiration=Date |
standard cookie expiration format [7].For example,
CookieExpiration=Date | Wednesday, 31-Dec-97 23:59:00 GMT
- To specify a relative amount of time use the following fomat :
CookieExpiration=Days, Hours, Mins
For example, CookieExpiration=1,1,30
would preserve a fact set for 1 day, 1 hour and 30 minutes.
For more information, please refer to the section labelled How facts are passed.
For example, InitialScreen=c:\htmldocs\mab.htm
For more information, please refer to the section labelled Static Screen User Interaction.
LoadHelper=Yes | No
For example, LoadHelper=yes
Please note : in order to dynamically generate output screens from a CLIPS program this entry must be set to yes. For more information, please refer to the section labelled Using HTML Helper functions to generate screens in a CLIPS program.
NextScreenName=Screen Name
For example, NextScreenName=Monkey and Bananas Get monkey type
Please note that if -1
is specified, there is no Agenda limit.
RouterList=router[| router2 | ... | routerN]
This entry works in conjuction with the <router>Echo entry (see below). See the <routerEcho> section for an example.
Please note that when passing multiple parameters to a screen, the parameters are processed in numeric order (i.e. script1 is loaded first, followed by script2 etc.). If there is a break in the sequence, processing for this type of parameter will stop. For example, if a screen has entries for script1, script2, script3 and script5 only the first three scripts will be loaded.
Static vs Dynamic Mode
Parameters may be passed to a screen in 2 modes :
- Static mode -- Parameters that are listed in
are used every time a screen is executed. - Dynamic mode -- A screen can utilize facts from a previous screen to indicate which (and how many) parameters to use. These parameters are used in addition to any parameters listed in
.There are four type of parameters that can be specified in this way :
- scripts - To tell the next screen to load a script called c:\rules\calcpay.clp, simply assert a fact that looks like this :
(script c:\rules\calcpay.clp)
- factgroups - To tell the next screen to use a fact group (via load-facts) called c:\pumps\status.clp, simply assert a fact that looks like this :
(factgroup c:\pumps\status.clp)
- ODBC queries - There are two type of ODBC queries with slightly different requirements :
- Embedded SQL - To tell the next screen to execute a query with the SQL embedded in the fact, assert a fact that looks like the following :
(odbcquery (query select * from MALE) (deftemplatename male) (connect DSN=CLIPSODBC;) (implodedata Y))
The definition for the odbcquery deftemplate is loaded automatically and available to be used by any script (or binary image file) for this screen. This is how it is defined
(odbcquery (multislot query) (slot connect) (slot deftemplatename) (slot implodedata))
- SQL residing in an external file - To tell the next screen to execute a query with the SQL contained in an external file assert a fact that looks like the following :
(odbcqueryfile (file c:\SQL\males.txt) (deftemplatename male) (connect DSN=CLIPSODBC;) (implodedata Y))
The definition for the odbcqueryfile deftemplate is loaded automatically and available to be used by any script (or binary image file) for this screen. This is how it is defined
(odbcqueryfile (slot file) (slot connect) (slot deftemplatename) (slot implodedata))
- Embedded SQL - To tell the next screen to execute a query with the SQL embedded in the fact, assert a fact that looks like the following :
- a binary image file - To tell the next screen to bload a binary image file called c:\building\layout.bin, simply assert a fact that looks like this :
(binimage c:\building\layout.bin)
- scripts - To tell the next screen to load a script called c:\rules\calcpay.clp, simply assert a fact that looks like this :
Multi-Screen Navigation
WebCLIPS allows the development of multi-screen systems. Determining which screen will be processed next can be accomplished in two ways :
- Statically - One screen can unconditionally lead to another screen. This is done by using the 'NextScreenName' entry in
- Dynamically - The CLIPS program has two methods for telling WebCLIPS which screen to execute next :
- fact assertion - Assert a fact that looks like this :
(assert (ScreenName (ScrnName Monkey and Bananas Demo Get Monkey Type)))
The definition for the ScreenName deftemplate is loaded automatically and available to be used by any script (or binary image file) for this screen. This is how it is defined :
(deftemplate ScreenName (multislot ScrnName))
- HTML hidden data tag - By using the HTML Helper functions, you can pass the name of the next screen within an HTML document. For example,
(HiddenData "(ScreenName (ScrnName Monkey and Bananas Demo Get Monkey Type))")
- fact assertion - Assert a fact that looks like this :
Static Screen User Interaction and passing data from HTML to CLIPS
Any standard HTML document can be used as an input screen to WebCLIPS. Data is sent from the HTML document to the web server by making the 'NAME' parameter of the tag 'fact' and the 'VALUE' parameter of the tag a standard fact in CLIPS format (i.e. <RHS pattern>+). For example, if you wanted to allow the client a choice of 'factgroup's for a screen, then the HTML could look like this :
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/WebCLIPS.EXE" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fact" VALUE="(ScreenName (Nuclear Reactor Monitor))"> <SELECT NAME="fact"> <OPTION VALUE="(factgroup c:\CA\pumpstat.clp)">Status of pumps in sector CA</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="(factgroup c:\WW\pumpstat.clp)">Status of pumps in sector WW</OPTION> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM>
This same mechanism can be used to assert facts to a CLIPS program. For example :
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/WebCLIPS.EXE" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fact" VALUE="(ScreenName (Wine Expert))"> <SELECT NAME="fact"> <OPTION VALUE="(WineType Red)">I would like a RED wine please</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="(WineType White)">I would like a WHITE wine please</OPTION> </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM>If the client selected 'I would like a WHITE wine please', this would cause a fact to be asserted that looked like this :
(WineType White)
In the case where the client is entering data into a textbox, textarea or password box, the HTML is a little more complicated. The 'NAME'/'VALUE' pair must be split up into two tags. One carries the name of the 'fact', the other carries the '<RHS pattern>+'
. These tags are matched up inside of WebCLIPS and the fact asserted. For example :
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/WebCLIPS.EXE" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="fact" VALUE="(ScreenName (Wine Expert))"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="factname1" VALUE="ClientName"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="factname2" VALUE="WineName"> Hello, what is your name? <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="factvalue1" size=40> What is your favorite wine? <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="factvalue2" size=40> <INPUT TYPE="submit"> </FORM>If the client entered 'Garry Kasparov' in the ClientName box and 'Merlo' in the WineName box, then the following facts would be asserted into the CLIPS program :
(ClientName Garry Kasparov) (WineName Merlo)
Using HTML Helper functions to generate screens in a CLIPS program
You do NOT need to know HTML in order to properly output data from WebCLIPS (although it is strongly recommended). The Helper functions insulate the developer from knowing all of the nuances of HTML. A good working knowledge of some of parameters to certain HTML tags may be required.
In order to use the HTML Helper functions in WebCLIPS, you must add the following 2 lines of code to your CLIPS programs :
(defmodule MAIN (import WebCLIPSHTML deffunction ?ALL) (import WebCLIPSTemplates deftemplate ?ALL))All HTML from the Helper functions are standard to version 3.2
Given below is a list of all HTML Helper functions available :
HTMLHeader (?title) | BodyTag ($?bodyargs) |
HeadStart ($?dummy) | HeadEnd ($?dummy) |
HeadStartTag ($?dummy) | HeadEndTag ($?dummy) |
ScriptStart (?lang) | ScriptEnd ($?dummy) |
ScriptStartTag (?lang) | ScriptEndTag ($?dummy) |
JavaScriptStart ($?dummy) | JavaScriptEnd ($?dummy) |
JavaScriptStartTag ($?dummy) | JavaScriptEndTag ($?dummy) |
VBScriptStart ($?dummy) | VBScriptEnd ($?dummy) |
VBScriptStartTag ($?dummy) | VBScriptEndTag ($?dummy) |
Base (?URL) | BaseTag (?URL) |
Link (?URL) | LinkTag (?URL) |
Break ($?arg) | BreakTag ($?dummy) |
Paragraph ($?align) | ParagraphStartTag ($?align) |
ParagraphEndTag ($?dummy) | IsIndex ($?dummy) |
IsIndexTag ($?dummy) | Applet (?prog ?width ?height $?args) |
AppletParm ($?args) | SSI (?SSIType ?URL $?args) |
Image (?URL $?args) | ImageTag (?URL $?args) |
FormStart (?exec $?method) | FormEnd ($?dummy) |
FormStartTag ($?dummy) | FormEndTag ($?dummy) |
SelectStart (?varname $?args) | SelectEnd ($?dummy) |
SelectStartTag (?varname $?args) | SelectEndTag ($?dummy) |
DropDownStart (?varname) | DropDownStartTag (?varname) |
DropDownEnd ($?dummy) | DropDownEndTag ($?dummy) |
ListBoxStart (?varname ?NumElems) | ListBoxStartTag (?varname ?NumElems) |
ListBoxEnd ($?dummy) | ListBoxEndTag ($?dummy) |
Option (?value $?args) | SubmitButton ($?caption) |
ResetButton ($?caption) | HiddenData ($?factvalue) |
TextArea (?rows ?cols $?text) | TextAreaStartTag ($?args) |
TextAreaEndTag ($?args) | TextBox (?name ?size $?maxlength) |
TextBoxTag (?name ?size $?maxlength) | PasswordBox (?name ?size $?maxlength) |
PasswordBoxTag (?name ?size $?maxlength) | TextAreaBox (?name ?size ?maxlength) |
TextAreaBoxTag (?name ?size ?maxlength) | RadioButton (?name ?text $?args) |
RadioButtonTag (?name ?text $?args) | CheckBox (?name ?text $?args) |
CheckBoxTag (?name ?text $?args) | ImageButton (?name ?URL $?args) |
ImageButtonTag (?name ?URL $?args) | Anchor (?URL ?LinkText) |
AnchorInternal (?IRL ?LinkText) | AnchorReference (?IRL ?LinkText) |
ul ($?args) | ULStartTag ($?args) |
ULEndTag ($?args) | ol ($?args) |
OLStartTag ($?args) | OLEndTag ($?args) |
dir ($?args) | DirectoryStartTag ($?args) |
DirectoryEndTag ($?args) | Menu ($?args) |
MenuStartTag ($?args) | MenuEndTag ($?args) |
li ($?args) | hr ($?args) |
h1 (?title $?args) | h2 (?title $?args) |
h3 (?title $?args) | h4 (?title $?args) |
h5 (?title $?args) | h6 (?title $?args) |
TableStart ($?args) | TableStartTag ($?args) |
TableEnd ($?dummy) | Caption (?text $?args) |
CaptionStartTag ($?args) | CaptionEndTag ($?args) |
TableHeader ($?args) | TableHeaderStartTag ($?args) |
TableHeaderEndTag ($?args) | TableRow ($?args) |
TableRowStartTag ($?args) | TableRowEndTag ($?args) |
TableDataStartTag ($?args) | TableDataEndTag ($?args) |
Address (?text) | AddressStartTag ($?dummy) |
AddressEndTag ($?dummy) | Big (?text) |
BigStartTag ($?dummy) | BigEndTag ($?dummy) |
BlockQuote ($?text) | BlockQuoteStartTag ($?dummy) |
BlockQuoteEndTag ($?dummy) | Bold ($?text) |
BoldStartTag ($?dummy) | BoldEndTag ($?dummy) |
Center ($?text) | CenterStartTag ($?dummy) |
CenterEndTag ($?dummy) | Cite ($?text) |
CiteStartTag ($?dummy) | CiteEndTag ($?dummy) |
Code ($?text) | CodeStartTag ($?dummy) |
CodeEndTag ($?dummy) | DefStartTag ($?args) |
DefList ($?args) | DefListStartTag ($?args) |
DefListEndTag ($?args) | DefTermTag ($?args) |
Emphasize (?text) | EmphasizeStartTag ($?dummy) |
EmphasizeEndTag ($?dummy) | Font (?text $?args) |
FontStartTag ($?args) | FontEndTag ($?args) |
Italics (?text) | ItalicsStartTag ($?dummy) |
ItalicsEndTag ($?dummy) | Keyboard (?text $?args) |
KeyboardStartTag ($?dummy) | KeyboardEndTag ($?dummy) |
Pre (?text $?args) | PreStartTag ($?args) |
PreEndTag ($?args) | Sample (?text) |
SampleStartTag ($?dummy) | SampleEndTag ($?dummy) |
Small (?text) | SmallStartTag ($?dummy) |
SmallEndTag ($?dummy) | Span (?text $?args) |
SpanStartTag ($?args) | SpanEndTag ($?args) |
StrikeThru (?text) | StrikeThruStartTag ($?dummy) |
StrikeThruEndTag ($?dummy) | Strong (?text) |
StrongStartTag ($?dummy) | StrongEndTag ($?dummy) |
Subscript (?text) | SubscriptStartTag ($?dummy) |
SubscriptEndTag ($?dummy) | Superscript (?text) |
SuperscriptStartTag ($?dummy) | SuperscriptEndTag ($?dummy) |
Teletype (?text) | TeletypeStartTag ($?dummy) |
TeletypeEndTag ($?dummy) | Underline (?text) |
UnderlineStartTag ($?dummy) | UnderlineEndTag ($?dummy) |
Var (?text) | VarStartTag ($?dummy) |
VarEndTag ($?dummy) |
Some sample CLIPS code to utilize some of these functions :
(defrule setup "print out HTML header tags and body tags" => (HTMLHeader "Water Quality Expert") (BodyTag bgcolor=#COCOCO alink=#FF0000 vlink=#00FF00) (h3 "Water Quality Expert System" align=center) (hr) (TableStart cellpadding=3 border=3) (assert (func ListGoodTowns))) (defrule GoodWaterTowns "show towns with good water quality" (Town (Quality Good) (Name ?nm)) ?rn <- (func ListGoodTowns) => (TableRow Good ?nm)) (defrule setupBadWaterTowns "Start printing bad water towns" ?rn <- (func ListGoodTowns) => (retract ?rn) (assert (func ListBadTowns))) (defrule BadWaterTowns "show towns with bad water quality" (Town (Quality Bad) (Name ?nm)) ?rn <- (func ListBadTowns) => (TableRow Bad ?nm)) (defrule HTMLCleanUp "Ending tags" ?rn <- (func ListBadTowns) => (TableEnd) (Break) (RadioButton fact "Value=(Contact Mayor)" Checked) ;Display two radio buttons asserting a fact about who to contact (Break) (RadioButton fact "Value=(Contact Commisioner)" ))
After a CLIPS program has finished running, WebCLIPS checks to see if the screen wants to save it's facts for another screen. It does this by checking the PreserveFacts
entry. There are two ways to accomplish this :
- If
, then ALL visible facts from the CLIPS run are saved as HTML 'hidden' data tags. This is an expensive operation and only those facts essential for future processing should be passed. - If
, then ALL visible facts from the CLIPS run are saved to a file on disk. The name of the file is passed as a <hidden> tag and used by the next program. This does present the system administrator with a small task. Please see the section Administration issues for more details. - If
, then ALL visible facts from the CLIPS run are saved to a file on disk. The name of the file is placed in an HTTP cookie and used by the program specified in theSaveFactsFor
entry. For example :[Battleship Setup Screen] PreserveFacts=cookie SaveFactsFor=Play BattleShip NextScreenName=Play BattleShip CookieExpiration=1,1,30 script1=c:\clips\examples\btlshpsu.clp . . . [Play BattleShip] script1=c:\clips\examples\batlship.clp . . .
In this setup, the screen'Battleship Setup Screen'
will save all visible facts to a disk file and storePlay BattleShip=file name
in a cookie. The next time the screen'Play BattleShip'
is run, it will look to see if there is a file containing facts to be loaded (via the load-facts command).This does present the system administrator with a small task. Please see the section Administration issues for more details.
Debugging CLIPS programs and re-routing output from CLIPS programs
Traditionally, a CLIPS programmer would issue a (watch facts)
or (watch rules)
to see facts being retracted and rules being fired. The developer would issue a dribble
command (for example) and the results could then be reviewed. This can be accomplished by using (for a screen) RouterList
and <router>Echo
entries as follows :
[Monkey and Bananas Demo]
This would have the effect of placing all output from dribble
to the file c:\CLIPS\testing\pgmdrib.txt
For those who would like to see facts being asserted/retracted and rules being fired to the screen, put a (watch facts)
and a (watch rules)
into the CLIPS program and set up the following two entries (for a screen) in WebCLIPS.INI
Some sample output could look like :
FIRE 2 HumanGuessNo: f-48,f-47 <== f-48 (Phase LookForSquare) ==> f-49 (Phase LookForHit) ==> f-50 (AlreadyGuessed (Player Human) (XY A1)) ==> f-51 (CheckPlayer Computer) FIRE 3 MissShip: f-49,f-51,f-47,f-5,,f-1,f-2 <== f-5 (Grid (Player Computer) (XY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)) ==> f-52 (Grid (Player Computer) (XY X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)) <== f-51 (CheckPlayer Computer) <== f-49 (Phase LookForHit) <== f-47 (Guess A1) ==> f-53 (Phase MakeGuess) ==> f-54 (CheckPlayer Human) FIRE 4 GenerateGuess: f-53,f-1,f-2 ==> f-55 (Guess J2) <== f-53 (Phase MakeGuess) ==> f-56 (Phase CheckGuess) FIRE 5 LookForShip: f-56,f-55 <== f-56 (Phase CheckGuess) ==> f-57 (Phase LookForHit) ==> f-58 (AlreadyGuessed (Player Computer) (XY J2)) FIRE 6 MissShip: f-57,f-54,f-55,f-30,,f-1,f-2 <== f-30 (Grid (Player Human) (XY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S S S C C C C C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . B . R R . . . . . . B . . . .)) ==> f-59 (Grid (Player Human) (XY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . S S S C C C C C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . B . . . . . . . . . B . R R . . . . . . B . . . .)) <== f-54 (CheckPlayer Human) <== f-57 (Phase LookForHit) <== f-55 (Guess J2) ==> f-60 (Phase PaintScreenHeader) FIRE 7 PainttheScreen: f-60,f-1,f-2 <== f-60 (Phase PaintScreenHeader) ==> f-61 (Phase PaintHumanGrid) FIRE 8 PaintHumanBoard: f-61,f-1,f-2,f-59,f-6 <== f-61 (Phase PaintHumanGrid) ==> f-62 (Phase PaintCompGrid) FIRE 9 PaintCompBoard: f-62,f-1,f-2,f-52,f-7 <== f-62 (Phase PaintCompGrid) ==> f-63 (Phase PaintStatus) FIRE 10 PaintStatusArea: f-63,f-1,f-2 <== f-63 (Phase PaintStatus) ==> f-64 (Phase CleanUp) FIRE 11 EliminateCoords: f-64,f-2 <== f-2 (CoordsTable (Axis Y) (coord 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)) FIRE 12 EliminateCoords: f-64,f-1 <== f-1 (CoordsTable (Axis X) (coord A B C D E F G H I J)) FIRE 13 UpdateFinalPhase: f-64 <== f-64 (Phase CleanUp) ==> f-65 (Phase SetupGuess)
Output from user-defined routers is also available. They are handled in exactly the same manner as any other router in WebCLIPS.INI
. The only real difference is the (printout ... ....)
statements in your program. For example :
Now in your program include : (printout clpout "Hello world" crlf)
and the results will show follows :
Hello World
There are certain routers that cannot be echoed using the screen option. These are :
- stdout - This router is automatically routed to the screen.
- wwarning, werror and wdialog - The output from these routers are reflected to the screen only when necessary
- dribble - This causes problems because stdout is included. This means that if any forms are present and facts need to be asserted from the form, these facts will be duplicated and cause WebCLIPS some heartache.
Administration Issues
There are several administration issues to be addressed when setting up WebCLIPS.
- Temporary file creation and deletion - Screens redirect the terminal output (i.e. (printout t ...)) of a CLIPS program to a temporary file to be passed on to the web server. WebCLIPS uses the
function to create unique temporary file names. It uses theCLIPSOutput
entry to determine a directory to store the temporary file. For performance reasons, you might want to point this entry to a VRAM disk, if possible. - POST Input data from Web server - For security reasons, the
entry dictates the maximum amount of data (in bytes) that WebCLIPS will accept using the POST method. - Location of HTML Helper Functions - The entry
in the[System]
section tells WebCLIPS where to find the HTML CLIPS Helper Functions. - Location of deftemplates - The entry
in the[System]
section tells WebCLIPS where to find the deftemplates for ODBC queries and ScreenName (for dynamic screen navigation). - Error Screens - WebCLIPS has a separate Error Reporting Facility. There are 'points of failure' where errors could occur. Each 'point of failure' has a short description and a long description. A short description is a one line summary of the error. A long description is an HTML file containing a more complete description of the error and a possible resolution(s) to the problem. The short descriptions are kept in
and are tagged with an ID. The ID is formed by taking the module and appending a four digit code. For example, the CLIPS Initialization module contains an errorINIT0001
. This means there is an entry inWebCLIPS.INI
that contains the short description. In the [System] section the entryErrorPath
points to the directory that contains all of the error files. The name of the error file is the error code with a'.htm'
extension. In our example the file name would beINIT00001.htm
. If you launch your screens from a common starting point, theHomeURL
can be used to display a link to that site for the client. - Preserving Facts on Disk - This presents an issue when one screen generates facts to disk and no other screen uses that file. Under 'normal' operating conditions Screen A generates facts and saves them to disk. Screen B then loads those facts and deletes the file. If a user prematurely exits (in this case Screen B never executes) files will be left stranded. The location of the files is driven by the
entry in theSystem
section ofWebCLIPS.INI
Reserved fact and deftemplate names
The following is a list of reserved names for use by WebCLIPS
Fact Names | Deftemplate Names |
binimage | odbcquery |
factgroup | odbcqueryfile |
script | ScreenName |
These are the definitions of the deftemplates as used by WebCLIPS :
(deftemplate ScreenName (multislot ScrnName)) (deftemplate odbcquery (multislot query) (slot connect) (slot deftemplatename) (slot implodedata)) (deftemplate odbcqueryfile (slot file) (slot connect) (slot deftemplatename) (slot implodedata))
# | Site | Internet Address |
[1] | CLIPS Home Page | |
[2] | Microsoft Home Page | |
[3] | CLIPS DLL Home Page | |
[4] | HTML Primer | |
[5] | CLIPS/ODBC Interface | |
[6] | WebCLIPS BSave utility | |
[7] | Cookie Expiration Format |" |
Last modified : 28-Jul-2003
Michael Giordano